Glamour. Decadence. Beauty.

The things we must preserve as culture find themselves in decay and dissolution. We are only here until we are not, and when we are not, what will be left? 

I like to think of misc-en-scène as the bearer of that certain mantle. This endeavor began years ago and has crystallized into a site of celebration of film and fashion, ultimately of Presentation. The Archive Esoteric. Where through Images, their frames, their edges, we can uncover and carry those beautiful things which carry us as the world burns.

Doom is combatted by Glamour's fire. At least that's what I believe to be true. 

To use a theological phrase: we are the Imagebearers of beauty. And an even better one, from Queen Elizabeth (Taylor) herself, on her jewels: "I'm here to take care of it and to love it, for we are only temporary custodians of beauty."

Therein is my cause: to exist for you the custodians of beauty.